USS Augusta
Build Overview and Focus
When the details for the Typhoon were revealed, it was often compared to the World Razer. The potent combination of Temporal Commander and Command Lt. Commander is only found on a few ships. EPH289 has already put together a World Razer with Beam Overload, and I already have a Beam Overload Excelsior. This doesn't do anything too crazy that those builds don't already do. However, this is an event ship that many have requested builds for. Alternatively, you could make a pretty solid Torpedo-based build.
This is a premium build, with the highest available budgets and resources utilized in its creation. See the build costs page for more detail.
The city that I live in was hit by a pretty severe hurricane out of nowhere. While I won't retell the story here, the long and short of it is: I was working through if/how I would get the Typhoon I was so excited for once I was able to log in again, nearly 3 weeks after the hurricane. I didn't have enough Zen to buy it outright, but I did actually spend a little just to buy it out which I typically don't do. I wasn't wild about my decision until I opened my Typhoon on my main - the randomly generated name was USS Augusta. I instantly knew what I was calling my Typhoon and no longer had any regrets. As was said so many times in my community after the storm: Augusta Strong!
Meta Analysis
ISE: 778k
HSE: 662k
Budget Analysis
T6 C-Store Ships
Emergency Weapon Cycle Starship Trait - Arbiter
Calm Before the Storm Starship Trait - Ghemor
Agony Redistributor Universal Console - Adamant
Legendary Ships
Event Items/Ships
DOMINO Console - Denorios
Improved Critical Systems - Temporal Recruit
Lockbox Gear & Duty Officers
3x Energy Weapons Officer (Beam Overload Variant)
Projectile Weapons Officer (CrtD/CrtH Variant(s))
Vincent Kish, Space Warfare Specialist
Context is for Kings Personal Trait
Duelists Fervor Personal Trait
Intelligence Handler Personal Trait
Symbiotic Ice Personal Trait
Terran Targeting Systems Personal Trait
Lockbox Ships
Dynamic Power Redistributor Module Console - Atlas
Experimental Power Redirection Console - Excelsior II
Lobi Gear
The Boimler Effect Personal Trait
Lobi Ships
Preferential Targeting Starship Trait & Point Defense Bombardment Warhead Console - NX Refit
Superweapon Ingenuity - Ateleth
R&D Promo Ships - None
4x Isomag [Phaser] Advanced Console
Superior Beam Training Personal Trait
Change History
New build - January 2025
Build Breakdown
An energy focused build with a lone torp, and no holds barred on budget, the Typhoon is well suited to this build type.
Since this skill tree is shared amongst many builds, I made a separate page for it and the discussion of it.
Build Goals
My goal with this build is a solid Beam Overload build, since this ship's seating are ideal for such a setup. This is a similar set of seating to the World Razer. You could also make a torpedo build, but my main doesn't have all the good gear for this.
Starship Weapons
There are several flavors of weapons, but the classic Phasers ended up winning out. I wanted to use Plasma, but it lacks stronger dual beams. Phasers have a lot of support for exceptionally strong weapons that are easy to obtain. I won't belabor the options, at the end of the day the flavor doesn't matter.
However, a few choices we make are better enhanced by choosing Phasers. The Excelsior II's console is Experimental Power Redirection, which does Phaser damage. The DPRM+PDBW 2pc enhances Phaser, Disruptor, and Plasma so we benefit extra from choosing one of those. If you choose a different flavor, then simply choose other consoles as an option.
Advanced Phasers are great, but out of budget. In Lieu of Advanced Phasers, there's a great selection of Reputation and mission reward phasers. Since I wanted to have a forward firing arc, I have to use a mix of Omni Beams and Turrets in the rear.
Of the forward facing weapons that are not DHCs, Wide Angle Dual Heavy Beam Bank is the top of the list. If I was using ERL or RRTW, it would not be a good choice as it does not benefit from the haste. Combined with the 2pc set from the console, this is probably my best weapon.
The next slot is the Teran Phaser Beam, which hits, on average, as hard as a DBB due to its scaling as the target hull drops. Doesn't afford us any set bonuses of note, but is a strong weapon on its own.
The Prolonged Engagement Phaser beam is often the next beam of choice, however when you dig into it, I have the firing arc to go to a Dual Beam Bank. There's nothing special you can slot for a Phaser DBB that we don't already have, so I went with an Agony DBB I had lying around. It's a small chance for some extra damage, versus the normal phaser's miniscule chance to disable a subsystem. Since I have yet another slot to fill, I added another DBB I had lying around, though the Typhoon initially came with some free Phasers you could use here as well.
There's one other weapon we could use here, and that's the Wide Arc Phase Cannons which don't have a ship restriction. However, since we are using a Beam enhancement mode, these cost us some damage overall and cost a steep 200 lobi, not to mention we won't be picking up the 3pc set.
Leaving the torp for later, we have 3 rear energy weapons to fill out. Omni beams are the best since they get the best enhancement, so we start with those. "Set" and "Non Set" Omnis each limit you to one choice.
The best "Set" omni is either the Trilithium omni or Gamma Reputation omni. I chose the Gamma rep since the Trilithium wouldn't be getting a 2pc for the constant 5% haste (an Isomag beats the socks off of a Reinforced Armaments). The Gamma weapons' gimmick is that it applies a -DRR to targets slower than you, which last I checked is everything but a few Hurq ships. It's not a chance roll either.
When we get to non-Set Omnis, we have R&D's vanilla Phaser Omni or outrageously expensive lockbox flavor omni options. Since the only difference between these is the 1 in 40 cycles proc, I went with the R&D flavor.
Sadly, no Breen Omni (it got patched) or Kinetic Cutting Beam (it doesn't use firing modes), we are stuck with Turrets. When it comes to Phaser turrets, we have a few similar options to Omni beams, such as Trilithium and Gamma Rep. For our turret, I also want to loop in the desire for a torpedo up front. With Concentrate Firepower III on this ship, a Bio-molecular torpedo is almost a no-brainer. This torp happens to also have a strong 2pc set with a Heavy Phaser Turret. As such, the Enhanced Bio-molecular Photon Torpedo looks great and does well up front, and the Heavy Bio-molecular Phaser Turret does well in the back. Now, there is an argument that you should use the KCB over a turret due to the turret Acc debuff, but I'm running enough Acc boosting items that a single turret won't harm my accuracy appreciably.
Also as a bonus, all of these reputation weapons that I use come at Ultra Rare Mk XIII and have 2% bonus damage which often edges them out over any lockbox flavors. Set bonuses help many to be even stronger as well.
LINK TO CALCULATOR - Note, this is for the very similar Excelsior version of this build, a lot of the math carries over.
Starship Equipment
I won't spend much time here - this build is as meta as it comes, we aren't after any special interactions with the gear choices and each piece is standalone.
Deflector is used on just about every damage-dealing build, with maybe the exception of a tank. Since our team composition will more than likely have a tank, we won't take a ton of damage to cut into the CrtH/CrtD bonuses from ColCrit.
The Impulse Engines can be one of several, but I chose the extra damage type. Romulan engines have a built-in Weapon Amplification bonus, which ends up giving about 12.76% CrtD with weapons. If I needed more survivability, I could choose the Discovery Reputation engines to go with the shield or core for extra Hull Regen. If I needed more maneuverability, I could use the Competitive Reputation engines to get a burst of speed, but with an Emergency Conn Officer, I simply don't need it. A ship this heavy (aka inertia) would also tend to powerslide out of the Competitive engines anyways.
The Shields have a few options, but tend to go for the Tilly's (Discovery Reputation) shields as they increase shield bleedthrough.
Warp core tends to fill set bonuses, but in my case, I wanted the weapon power cost reduction and Power Transfer Rate of a Spire core.
Targeting Lock and Energy Amplifier batteries are fine, but Advanced versions are strictly better and since we run a lot of elites, we get a lot of Loops needed for crafting.
Deuterium Surplus is also a cheap slot, and serves as a backup evasive maneuvers if needed.
Kobyashi Maru is some free buffs, but please don't get this from Mudd's market, its too low-impact.
We could slot our Delta Reinforcements or Nimbus Distress Call here, but these work from your inventory so no need to take up a device slot.
Starship Consoles
Set Bonuses
I won't go into the details on why Isomags are better than Locators or Exploiters. Due to math that has already been done, we have more Isomag slots than Locator slots (Lorca console takes one Tactical slot), so Isomags win out. We fill out all available slots with them, use [Phaser] mods for the weapons we have, and fill the rest with non-Advanced consoles.
I used TRINITY heavily for deciding what consoles to bring along, for my original Excelsior build. I started by slotting 7 Isomags, and filled the remaining 4 Tactical slots with beam Bellums. This gave me a baseline to work off of. I started filling the Science seats with two consoles I assumed would be best-in-slot regardless: DOMINO and DPRM. Both of these have passive +Phaser or +Energy. Both have lots of additional damage for clickies. Both of them I had obtained a long time ago. If you don't have either of these, they are extremely expensive now. DOMINO requires an Epic Phoenix token per character, while I have the event unlock from 2018. DPRM requires a Lockbox ship (since I am a Federation character) usually selling for around 1.5 billion Energy Credits on the exchange. I picked mine up in a different era when grinding EC was easier and the Atlas was only 600 million EC.
This fills up our console slots. But why isn't my build using any Bellums? Remember, I had all of this added into TRINITY, and as such, I saved a baseline with 7 Isomags, DPRM, DOMINO, and 4 Bellums. Then, I went through several prime candidates for consoles that might out-parse a Bellum. Bellums also only apply to 5 of 7 of my weapons, as one is a torp and two are turrets. This makes +Phaser stronger even at the same or smaller amount of value since it applies to 7 of 8 weapons, as well as any other abilities that generate Phaser damage.
Lorca's console was an easy slot, as I already had it for other builds and had the Phaser DBB in the front for the additional 2pc. The console gives Shield Pen, and CrtH, while the 2pc also gives CrtD. This blows away any amount of Cat1 from a Bellum, and applies both CrtH and CrtD to every ability I have. The Shield Pen also benefits all 8 weapons. Every time I replace a Bellum, I save a new "baseline" to see if additional changes are better or worse.
Ordnance Accelerator would also be a good option since we have one piece of the set already equipped on the ship. While this has no CrtD or CrtH, it does have 25% Cat1 Phaser, +10% Cat1 Phaser for the 2pc, and 25% Projectile damage. This means that it applies to all 8 of our weapons, and a few extra peripherals.
Approaching Agony would seem to be another good choice, with passive CrtH and +Phaser. However, the magnitude of both of these is lower than a Bellum by a lot. We could take the clicky into account, however it is tough to justify on this build, especially as a lot of Supports pick up this console for the -DRR. This one did not make the cut.
Point Defense Bombardment Warhead may not seem like a great option, but there's several things in play. First of all, the ship it comes from can be obtained for Energy Credits. Mine happened to be graciously given by a friend of mine. You can also spend Lobi or get it off of the Legendary NX. Regardless of how you obtain it, it also comes with Preferential Targeting (Starship Trait) which is a solid trait for a Beam Overload build. The console boosts our torp with 25% Cat1, and all of our damage with 1% CrtH. This alone doesn't beat out a Bellum, but the 2pc adds 33% Phaser damage. This alone beats out a Bellum. We do get some damage from the clicky as well, I got 18k from it on my record run. All of these things work together to make this replace a Bellum console.
This seems rather excessive, but I wanted to pick up the Excelsior II anyways because reasons. As such, my event campaign reward was already earmarked for an Excelsior II. The console that comes with it has great passives with +Energy and Weapon Amplification. The clicky is harder to evaluate, but does damage on its own as well as a weird mix of FAW and BO for your energy weapons. I did the best I could to evaluate how much this would benefit my build, and it narrowly edged out a Bellum on paper. On my record parse, it contributed about 40k on its own damage! This doesn't even count the passives. I was pleasantly surprised, not to mention it is a fun to use console and comes from an Excelsior.
Finally, I wanted something new and interesting on this build that I don't have on other builds. This build is also heavily single-target, and Agony Redistributor is a great way to spread that damage around some, and comes from a C-Store ship. Please note, even if you can hit the buttons for Recursive Shearing and Agony Redistributor at the same time, they are exclusive so you can only ever apply one at a time. Keep them separated!
Bridge Officers
I am sure I could spring for a pile of Superior Romulan Operatives, but that gets expensive. I went with what I had handy.
Commander Engineering/Temporal
On energy builds, the best power we can slot from Temporal is Recursive Shearing, which lends itself to single-target damage builds. Temporal powers are great on Exotic builds, but not as many are used on other types of builds. Recursive Shearing is also great for Torpedo builds. Being able to slot Recursive Shearing is one of the main reasons we went with Beam Overload here. I have plenty of torpedo builds, so I didn't choose to go that path. Since this is a locked Engineering seat, my next goal is to make it our only engineering seat. Emergency Power to Weapons and Emergency Power to Engines are required as triggers. EPTW triggers Emergency Weapon Cycle, and EPTE triggers the Emergency Conn Hologram for maneuverability. We have one slot left, and Aux to SIF is a great quick cycling heal for Strategist triggers and healing/resistance. If we put these out, we can take EPTW 3, Aux to SIF 1, and EPTE 1.
Lt. Commander Tactical/Command & Lieutenant Universal (Tactical)
If you have a torpedo and Lt. Commander Command seating, you should be using Concentrate Firepower 3. If you don't have a torpedo, you should consider slotting one. This takes the Lt. Commander slot here, and leaves us with Lt. and Ensign tactical seats, with consideration for two more Ensign and one more Lt. Universal slots. Without the Lt. Commander Tactical slot now, we can only slot Beam Overload 2, not 3. Concentrate Firepower 2 to 3 is a much larger boost than Beam Overload 2 to 3, not to mention Vincent Kish now adds a chance for Beam Overload to rank up, further lessening the blow to downrank Beam Overload.
This leaves us with taking the Lt. Universal as Tactical, as we want to pick up Cannon Scatter Volley for Preferential Targeting, and CSV starts at Lt., not Ensign. We fill out the rest of the Ensign slots with Torpedo Spread and Kemocite-Laced Weaponry. The ensign tactical power is Torpedo Spread as it is higher damage on a non-torper. Kemocite Laced Weaponry 1 is often used for its -DRR, damage, and ensign filler. You could pick up Distributed Targeting 1, but it's generally less impactful than Kemocite.
Lt. Commander Science & Ensign Universal (Science)
We're forced into a Lt. Commander Science seat on this ship, and most of the time I'll slot a Gravity Well in a Lt. Commander Science seat simply for its utility as a pull. It's not as big as a dedicated Exotic build with Gravity Well 3 and hundreds of EPG to throw at it, but still useful nonetheless. Photonic Officer 1 is our reliable cooldowns when Boimler just has a bad day, and Hazard Emitters is a reliable Heal over Time, as well as a cleanse for any hazard debuffs.
This last Ensign Universal seat is basically just filler - I went with Tractor Beam as it triggers other things on other builds, but isn't super useful here. You could also go with Distributed Targeting, Engineering Team, or even use this seat to shift off an Ensign Tactical or Engineering power above and pick up an Ensign Temporal or Command power - but they aren't super strong at Ensign like Intel for OSS would be.
Personal Traits
Starship Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
Duelist's Fervor, Terran Targeting, Context is for Kings, and Intel Handler are all interchangeable with other general damage personal traits, such as Self Modulating Fire. None of these are hard-required, so this is a good place to check what you already have versus the trait tier list. Symbiotic Ice is a fantastic trait on any Beam build. Fleet Coordinator, Give Your All, and Beam Training are all free with no reason to replace. Boimler Effect is used just about everywhere now as it makes cooldowns a non-issue, especially if you have other methods included too.
There might be a few lockbox ships with traits that could replace Improved Critical Systems. The biggest thing you'll notice is that there isn't a T6X or T6X2 slot. Those would easily let you pick up Super-Charged Weapons, and Temporal Tunneling would be a solid pickup for this build as well.
Budget Tweaks:
The last trait I would replace would be Boimler without significant build changes to compensate for the cooldowns it provides. The rest of the lockbox traits can be replaced with free traits, but it all depends on the budget.
The NX Refit is probably the most Extra starship trait on this build, but the others are just about required. CBTS, SCW, EWC are used on any energy build, ICS is a good generalist trait, and Superweapon Ingenuity is the extender for BO.
Reputation Traits
Active Reputation
Duty Officers
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
The Energy Weapons Officers don't stack within rarity, and right now they are all Blue. For a full optimization, you could get a Purple, Blue, and Green one and then the Shield Pen from each can stack. Of note, you can't use a Na'kuhl duty officer that applies a chance for healing based on damage alongside Kish, they share an equip slot.
Ship Stats
This ship is set up to be forward firing, with 360 degree firing arcs in the rear. Being a cruiser, it handles like a cruiser.
Parse Breakdown
My record ISE is 778.5k. No surprise on an energy build, 365k comes from energy weapons with Beam Overload 2 & 3. 433k comes from all of the energy weapons, enhanced and not enhanced - with the exception of Fire at Will 3. You'll note that FAW is not present on this build. FAW, in this case, comes from Experimental Power Redirection's active. If we sum up all the FAW 3 and other benefits of EPR, the console nets us 48k. Symbiotic Ice is 23k. The torpedo is 79k. Also of note, the Agony Redistributor is 110k from one use on the Gateway. Recursive Shearing is 36k.
There is an almost copy-paste hull that is not really cheaper, but more available if you don't already have the Typhoon; the World Razer. Once you slot Recursive Shearing 3, they have very similar seating, console layout, and stats.
Typhoon turns faster, World Razer has more hull and shields. If you start with the Typhoon as a base for the World Razer, you'll be able to slot Beam Overload 3 instead of 2, and Emergency Power to Weapons 2 instead of 3. You can also take the Universal Lt. Commander seat as Tactical and you end up with higher ranks of powers we chose on the Typhoon, but almost too many tactical slots. If you take it as a Science seat, you get the rest of the build identical to the Typhoon I have above.
You trade one Engineering console slot for a Tactical slot, and you're now in the realm where you could go either way with Isomags or Locators, especially if you don't use the Lorca console.
Of note, this is not remotely portable to the Typhon. This is the Typhoon, the Typhon is a carrier/torper.