U.S.S. Aldrin
Fleet Shepard Miracle Worker Battlecruiser
Build Overview and Focus
Last Updated February 2024
Most players start with some kind of beam-based build when they first begin. The game and shows both lend themselves to that play style, so this post will serve to give a second-tier evolution of such a build to achieve Elite-capable outcomes without having to break the bank.
Whether you're expanding from of a Starter build or maybe you entered the game willing to invest a bit more resources into your ship, we recognize that there is a wide gap between "unlimited" budget premium-tier builds and the very basic F2P builds. That's why we defined the concept of an Economy build. It's for players who've spent a little money in the game but aren't Scrooge McDucks with their gaming budget. The other goal behind this build is to illustrate that it's possible to do very well on Elite without spending exorbitantly. With this build and proper piloting, you'll have an Elite-capable ship to handle any map in the game. We're going to limit the budget as follows to keep it in that Economy tier:
Fleet / Reputation / Mission Gear up to Mk XV Epic. We do allow the use of Epic gear so that our builders don't have to re-buy AND partially upgrade gear they already have at Mk XV Epic. Gilding items is NOT essential to having an Elite capable build.
10000 Zen purchase limit maximum, and we'll be assuming sale prices
Nothing from the Lobi Store.
No T6X2 or Elite Captain status
100 million Energy Credits maximum of Exchange purchases
If this seems a bit spendy, feel free to check out our Starter Beam Overload build for a much cheaper variant. Jay's Arbiter is also at the lower end of the Economy tier.
Platform Selection
With Commander Engineering / Miracle Worker and a 5/3 weapons layout, the Gagarin is an excellent beam damage platform. I value the 5/3 layout for beams over the hangar and secondary Intel seating that the Lexington provides, and the Gagarin's trait is far more versatile at this price point than the Lexington, which basically only offers a ship. The Gagarin trait can be used for tank, Fire-at-Will, Exotic, and Torpedo builds, and you can even hybridize it with other firing modes like Beam Overload if you can't afford the extender trait. Due to the EC budget on this ship, we'll be doing that here.
With a Beam Overload build and Mixed Armaments Synergy, we can take a turret and get some benefit, especially since Entwined Tactical Matrices will give us Scatter Volley half the time on it. However, taking two turrets is a double-whammy hit to DPS because #1 turrets have lower base damage than Omnis or even Beam Arrays and #2 we won't have firing modes for it. The Kinetic Cutting Beam is a pretty bad weapon and we're not slotting it. If you want to adapt this on the Lexington, be my guest, but for what I prioritize, the Gagarin has a higher ceiling for Beam Overload.
Flavor/Theme Choices
Varied bridge crew vs all Superior Romulan Operatives/Pirates
Human captain
This is an economy build, with limited C-store purchases up to 10K Zen and 100M EC limit, but no Lobi, lockbox ship or promotional ship items. See the build costs page for more detail.
Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin was the second human to set foot on Earth’s moon. He was a noted pilot and out of the original Apollo 11 crew, had a combat record that included shooting down two enemy aircraft. In keeping with the naming conventions of the Gagarin-class and Fleet Shepard-class battlecruisers that follows Earth’s earliest space pioneers, the U.S.S. Aldrin honors his legacy as a vessel of both exploration, engineering, and defense
Meta Analysis
ISA: 240K (PUG)
ISE: 493K (premade)
HSE: 336K (premade)
Budget Analysis
Using the EZRA rubric, this build would cost 106 USD to replicate. That is far more than what I spent on STO to make it. If the cost looks daunting, don't worry! Lower-budget alternatives are provided below.
Elite Captain/T6X upgrade, all fleet unlocks
4 T6 C-store ships (Arbiter, Gagarin, Endeavour, Ghemor, or cross-faction equivalents)
1 Fleet ship (Fleet Shepard)
1 lockbox console, 1 lockbox starship trait, 2 lockbox personal traits, 1 non-standard doff, 1 lockbox boff power
Reputation + fleet gear; all Mk XV Epic
0 lockbox, Promo R&D, Legendary, or Lobi ships
Change History
February 2024: Posted build
Build Focus
This build focus on energy DPS with some nods to survivability. There are some small contributions from projectiles and other supportive concepts as well, but those are tertiary.
Skill Unlocks
All weapon-centric builds benefit from the tactical ultimate, as weapon haste and bonus weapon damage from the Focused Frenzy active are appreciable when used on big targets. Applying the bonus to your team is also appreciated. I do not find the cooldown boost from Frenzied Reactions to be needed on a build with a good cooldown scheme.
Engineering skills
Since I use this skill tree for both tanks and offtanks, taking two points in Hull Restoration/Hull Capacity helps survivability. Increased Hull Capacity boosts Tyler's Duality as well
I always take a single point in Hull Plating, but other resistance skills and Damage Control are not worth it. Likewise, 2 points in Impulse Expertise is an appreciable boost to maneuverability. Warp Core Potential and especially Warp Core Efficiency help boost power to subsystems. Efficiency is particularly good at adding power to subsystems I am not allocating much power to.
Improved EPS Power Transfer is essential for recovering power while firing energy weapons.
Science skills
Single points in Shield Restoration/Shield Capacity are low opportunity cost for relatively high survivability gains. Since I need skill points elsewhere, only 1 here for those.
A single point in Shield Regeneration has surprisingly large impact on shield regeneration based on recent research by Jay
Since this character uses Quantum Phase torpedoes on multiple builds, which scale with Drain Expertise, I take both points in DrainX. A single point in Control Expertise powers the Fragment of AI Trait on builds that use it on this toon.
All energy builds should take maximum points in Long Range Targeting Sensors.
The rest of the science skills are of little value on this build and are completely skippable.
Tactical skills
Energy Weapon Training, Hull Penetration, Shield Penetration, Weapon Specialization, and Weapon Amplification are all worthwhile skills to take 3 points in as they boost energy weapon damage directly. Since I do have a torpedo and it does decent damage, 2 points in Projectile Weapon Training is a good choice.
I like taking 2 points apiece in accuracy and defense. Defense is a small contribution to avoiding incoming damage but also helps reduce enemy crits when you're not moving and accuracy is just good all around, if not a stat that you'll need tons of.
Coordination Protocols, Defense Coordination and Offensive Coordination are good team boosts so I always take those. They also benefit hangar pets on builds that have those. Improved Tactical Readiness is essential for reducing tactical cooldowns along with the rest of the cooldown scheme.
There are two crucial unlocks: battery expertise (improves duration of consumable batteries) and threat control which either increases or decreases threat based on threatening stance.
This ship is a classic beams + 1 torpedo set up. It has absolutely zero investment into exotic damage, so I am not skilled at all into those.
Intel/Strategist is the best-in-slot choice for non-tank Energy builds. Intel provides substantial damage through flanking and Intel Fleet. Strategist likewise adds damage through Logistical Support, Maneuver Warfare, and Show of Force, as well as some damage reduction through Layered Defenses.
Starship Weapons
Torpedoes: One, I wanted a torpedo for immersion purposes. Two, the right torpedo, when used with Entwined Tactical Matrices and Supercharged Weapons, is NOT a DPS loss compared to beam arrays. I was already going to slot the Quantum Phase Converter console, so adding the torpedo for its two-piece is an excellent DPS boost. It outparses everything else. I could have slotted the Dark Matter torpedo, but I already had the Quantum Phase gilded and it doesn't quite do the same damage. Note that if you don't like the Disco DBB, but you are okay with the Dark Matter torpedo, I would use the DM torpedo in order to keep the 2-piece bonus.
Mixing in DBBs: Despite "don't mix weapons" being conventional wisdom for good reason, I've chosen to mix in a couple of DBBs. For one, I wanted the Lorca's Ambition two-piece bonus without the torpedo. For two, specifically on a beam build with a torpedo and 2 Omnis+turret, all of my weapons are hitting my forward arc anyway.
On Use of Epic Gear: It would be an obnoxious expense to take gear that I previously already had at Mk XV Epic and re-purchase and partially re-upgrade it to Mk XV VR/UR. You don't need Epic to do well on Elite; Mk XV Very Rare or Ultra Rare is fine. Please don't let that be an impediment to your use of this build.
Firing Order
The Prolonged beam stacks up the longer it's in combat, so I want it firing early. It's gonna be de-synced pretty quickly anyway due to its own haste.
The torpedo needs to be early in the cycle to stack Super Charged Weapons / proc ETM. Plus its proc does shield damage, so hitting earlier in the cycle is better.
The WA DBB also has a stacking damage buff over time the longer it is in combat, hence being next
It was a tossup whether to put the Phaser Beam Bank last or let the Terran go last since it scales with the target's missing health and the target that I've already hit with the other weapons should be lower health. I put the Terran 2nd-to-last on this build. Didn't make much difference.
Phaser DBB is last by default. Maybe that logic is flawed, but that's why I ordered them I way I did.
Starship Equipment
Drive Train: In terms of healing, the Disco 2-piece regen and Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator go a long way for survivability. You could swap in Competitive Engines if desired or Romulan Engines for more offensive stats. The ship is designed to be self-sufficient but it's not a full tank for Elite runs.
Starship Consoles
Set Bonuses
No Trilithium Set: The Gamma 2-piece set is slotted over the Trilithium 2-piece set. According to both the Energy Weapon Calculator and several ISA parses, the Gamma set ends up being superior once you adjust the haste for uptime. There are a few reasons for this. 1) The Trilithium-Omni cannot be re-engineered. It also doesn't have the 2% bonus damage from T6 reputations that the Inhibiting beam does. 2) The 10% weapon haste is great but especially on a FAW build, does not proc often enough, whereas the -10 DRR from the Gamma beam is easily proc'd against big targets as long as you're not sitting completely still. Seriously, the haste proc has 2% uptime on a FAW build. 3) Even as Cat1-saturated as I am, 36.25% Cat1 is still quite good against an uptime-adjusted 6% haste.
Alternate energy types: Obviously all weapons would need to be replaced. Unless switching to Disruptor with the Wide Angle Heavy Dual Beam Bank, replace the Quantum Phase torpedo with Dark Matter Torpedo. If Disruptor, consider the Nausicaan Energy Torpedo. Quantum Phase Converter and Ordnance Accelerator (unless Polaron) are the two consoles to replace. Replace the fleet consoles with the appropriate flavor.
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
If going full DPS with unlimited budget, you’re not using beams. That said, for higher damage at higher cost:
Tachyon Net Drones over Assimilated Module
Immolating Phaser Lance over Hull Image Refractors
Hull Image Refractors and Quantum Phase Converter -> Dynamic Power Redistribution Module+Point Defense Bombardment Warhead or two of Weaponized Helical Torsion/Bioneural Infusion Circuits/Approaching Agony. This means you're taking the Dark Matter Torpedo instead.
Replace all the Locators and the Ordnance Accelerator with Isomags.
Budget Tweaks:
If lower budget:
Drop a Locator (T6X upgrade)
Replace Flagship Tactical Computer with Zero Point Energy Conduit or Approaching Agony
Drop Hull Patches if no T6X upgrade
Bridge Officers
Meta Notes
Could replace MAS III with Reverse Shield Polarity for more tankiness if you need it. Wouldn't recommend it.
Personal Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
If you have more budget
Redirected Armor Plating -> Fragment of AI Tech
Innocuous -> Terran Targeting Systems
Point Blank Shot -> Symbiotic Ice
Beam Barrage -> Context Is For Kings
If you're not a tactical captain, swap A Good Day to Die for EPS Manifold Efficiency (Engineer) and Context Is For Kings (Science). Note that EPS Manifold Efficiency is free while Context is an Exchange purchase.
Budget Tweaks:
If low budget, your options get significantly worse. Note that we don't slot Operative because your boffs provide a non-stacking copy of it already.
A Good Day to Die -> Accurate
Intelligence Agent Attache -> Techie
Starship Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
If you have more budget
Pilfered Power->Terran Goodbye or Promise of Ferocity
Add Strike From Shadows (T6X2 upgrade)
Ideally you'd replace Entwined Tactical Matrices with Superweapon Ingenuity to extend Beam Overload
Budget Tweaks:
If low budget, (try and keep the ones at the bottom)
Drop Super Charged Weapons (T6X upgrade)
Calm Before the Storm -> Unconventional Tactics
Improved Critical Systems -> Improved Command Frequency
Reputation Traits
Active Reputation
Duty Officers
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
If you have more budget
Fitting in crit-boosting projectile weapons officers and more energy weapons officers is generally solid, up to 4 (2 CrtH, 2 CrtD). Leave the Conn Hologram and the Warp Core Engineer
Budget Tweaks:
If low budget
Replace the crit-boosting EWO with another K-13 doff
If you're not in a fleet, you might try another torp reloader. Finding impactful doffs at this price tier is difficult.
This ship manages cooldowns via Photonic Officer: (Photonic Officer II, and a little extra in readiness skills, plus a Krenim).
This allows me to maintain high Aux power (for heals, the Temporal Disentanglement Suite, and general defense) while freeing up duty officers to enhance damage. It's also easy to fly--the only things I need to do are constantly cycle my Tactical and Engineering chains, which I should be doing anyway. I could use Attrition Warfare for engineering abilities, but that's less forgiving unless Threatening Stance is on all the time. Despite having more survivability, this build is not a tank; plus Strategist has a number of damage abilities that would be lost if Threatening Stance was used constantly.
Ship Stats
With as many abilities and synergizing concepts as this ship employs, an efficient control scheme is essential. There are many ways to set up such a ship, so I don't pretend to assume that my way is superior. It's basically simplified down to a spambar and a torpedo key
Spambar: (Spacebar), Trays 1 and 3 Beam Overload, Attack Pattern Beta, Kemocite, Narrow Sensor Bands, Mixed Armaments Synergy, Emergency Power to Engines, Attack Pattern Alpha, Go Down Fighting, Emergency Power to Weapons, Tractor Beam, Energy Amplifier, Photonic Office, Vulnerability Assessment Sweep, Auxiliary to Structural. This is a basic tactical ability combination with Go Down Fighting, and Attack Pattern Alpha included. Activate this roughly every 20 seconds whenever Fire At Will is available.
Torpedo combo: (1 key) Torpedo Spread I; Fire Torpedo. Manual keybind to activate torpedoes. I generally leave the torpedo auto-firing, but sometimes STO is slow to fire the torpedo even when it's off cooldown and the spread is armed. I fire this every 10 seconds after BO 3 is triggered to get my FAW from Entwined Tactical Matrices.
Everything else is manually activated.
I start with basic combos for the first group. In an ISE run, I will use all of my longer cooldown buffs in the first fight, but not ISA. Trigger Evasive Maneuvers to fly over to the left transformer and fire off all major abilities while at 1/4 impulse or stopped within 2 km of the transformer. FAW should take care of most targets. Once 2-3 of the generators are down, target the transformer with Focused Frenzy and Fire On My Mark. I rotate to face inward toward the gate. When the transformer is low health, fly towards the ball of spheres and give them a torpedo spread and cycle or two of firing. Once they start thinning out, Evasive Maneuvers again (reset due to Emergency Power to Engines) and head to the right side. Rinse and repeat, then Evasive Maneuvers to fly between the Tactical Cube and Gateway. Some clever angling will keep the torpedo/DBB firing as well as the aft beams. Make sure to flank the Tactical Cube. Frenzy and Fire On My Mark should be available here again. Lastly, don't forget to summon your Delta Alliance Beacon/Nimbus Pirates/Beacon of Kahless, etc. In an average ISE run, I can get two off: one at left transformer and one at the end.
The importance of Crit and Flanking cannot be oversold. I saw significant increases in DPS from boosting Crit in doffs and traits. On my record runs, my weapons were parsing between 60-65% with roughly 30% flank percentage. There are players with better gear and piloting skills than I who've achieved much, much higher percentages, but I will say broadly that when in doubt, add crit. Since flanking includes extra crit chance/severity with Intel, you can't go wrong with flanking either! Look for the downward pointing arrow on your target.
Parse Breakdown
Numbers from record ISE:
Wide Angle Dual Beam Bank: 70K
Terran Beam: 66.2K
Phaser Dual Beam Bank: 58.2K
Prolonged Beam: 49.4K
Quantum Phase Torpedo: 46.4K total including spread I, Quantum Phase Transfer and some High Yields from someone else's Concentrate Firepower
Phaser Crafted Omni: 46.4K
Inhibiting Phaser Omni: 38.3K
Anti-Time Entanglement Singularity: 24.3K
Digital Compilation Field: 19.7K
Nimbus Pirates: 9.3K
Kemocite: 7.3K
Concentrate Firepower III: 6.3K (borrowed from another player)
Delta Beacon: 4.5K
Destabilizing Resonance Beam: 3.6K
Tractor Beam: 1.3K
Plasma Conduit Purge: 1K
Refracting Tetryon Cascade: 2.1K
Withering Radiation: 0.2K
Counter-Offensive: 0.4K
Weapon crits were around 70% on average; flank rate around 30% during FAW and 50% on overload averaged across weapons. The team composition for this run was this ship, a secondary DPS using CSV, a tertiary DPS using torpedoes, a support tank, and a support. I ended up tanking the most out of anyone on the team so the ship's survivability is not in question.
Virtually any ship with Commander Miracle Worker and decent seating could pull it off. That said, I don't like 4/4 weapons layout ships for Beam Overload, as you sacrifice too much DPS to pick up a turret. 1 Turret is fine for Mixed Armaments Synergy. 2 is a detriment; I prefer FAW on 4/4 ships or else don't slot a torpedo and broadside. If we narrow it down to 5/3 ships, it gets more expensive. The Legendary Avenger could run this build seamlessly, though I'd swap DRB for OSS II on that ship.