U.S.S. Ascendant
T5 Sovereign Assault Cruiser
Build Overview and Focus
Last Updated 2024
The T5 Sovereign was the ship I selected from the ship vendor at level 40 back in 2016 when I started playing, and I suspect it's the ship of choice for many new players making that same choice today. This is the best of the cruisers you get from leveling (the T5 Galaxy Exploration Refit available at Vice Admiral is not good). While it pales in comparison to T6 ships, if you're a true F2P player and you haven't completed any of the events yet, this is likely the ship you're going to be piloting for a good while as you enter the endgame. We know that most players start with energy builds (we did), and there's a need to have a Basic Cruiser Build that will take you through endgame.
The goal of this ship build is to give you an Advanced-capable ship to finish out story missions, and grind reputations and/or fleet gear. We're going to very strictly limit the budget and make this as accessible as possible as one of our Starter builds:
Nothing from a fleet
Nothing from the C-store. Definitely nothing from the Lobi Store.
No trait unlocks, T5-U, T6X, Elite Captain status, etc.
10 million Energy Credits maximum of Exchange purchases (and we'll talk about to how to get the credits if that seems daunting).
No upgrades - everything on this ship will be Mk XII or Mk XIII
We are going to use reputation gear (including some T6 Reputation items), but we're also going to provide some alternatives for those pieces while you get there.
This is not a ship that you'll be able to build on Day 1 of hitting Level 50, this is a ship that you can build toward on Day 1 of hitting Level 50. We'd like to point to the long-standing Baby Steps 1 for a Day 1 build, and Baby Steps 2 for like a Day 10 build, but if you're thinking about Day 30 on this tier of ship and build, this is the ship for you. This is also a useful example of how a coherent, well-thought out build with minimal investment and good piloting can match or out-perform people in expensive ships with no idea what they're doing. And it's not necessarily their fault, because STO is terrible at teaching shipbuilding. However, that's why you're here so let's get started.
Platform Selection
The T5 Sovereign has substantial Engineering seating, which isn't necessarily desirable for high-end play but works great when you're getting started for survivability and cooldowns. More importantly, it has 3 tactical boff abilities rather than the 2 on the T5 Galaxy available at Vice Admiral and that matters, so we're using that ship over the Galaxy. Plus, I prefer the Sovereign appearance-wise.
This is a starter build, with no C-store items, no upgrades, and 10M EC limit. There are no Lobi, lockbox ship or promotional ship items, and no gear on this ship has been upgraded or re-engineered. See the build costs page for more detail.
The ascendant is newly-arrived into a position of power, still learning the full measure of its strength, but having recently achieved or actively achieving mastery of its domain. It has transcended prior limitations to reach new heights and abilities, just like this ship.
Meta Analysis
ISA: 90K (PUG)
2-man ISA: 112K (premade with a support tank)
2-man Tzenkethi Front Advanced: 4:10 with no deaths, all optionals
ISE: 140K (premade)
HSE: 97K (premade)
A word of warning: it is highly unlikely that a new player will be able to replicate those numbers for four reasons:
I have invested significant time into becoming an excellent pilot. I know where to be, how to angle my ship, and when to use abilities. A new player will have to learn that skill and piloting at this level is over half of DPS.
I have a very high personal endeavor rank, giving me substantially better stats than a new player will have access to. All my consoles combined provide fewer relevant stats than my personal endeavors.
A new player will likely not have a premade group with favorable team compositions for Elite play. While team composition does not matter much at this level of DPS, it certainly doesn't hurt.
A new player will not have access to T6 reputation, Temporal or Gamma Recruit rewards. I would turn them off for the purposes of this build if I could, but it's not worth it to me to make a whole new account just for this.
Budget Analysis
Using the EZRA rubric, this build would cost 1 USD to replicate. In practice, this build is easily replicable for even pure F2P - the items purchased from the Exchange should not even require the energy credit unlock.
No Elite Captain/T6X upgrade, no fleet unlocks
0 C-store items
0 Fleet ships
0 Event items
2 lockbox starship traits
Reputation/mission gear with no upgrades
0 lockbox, Promo R&D, Legendary, or Lobi ships
Acquisition: There is a large number of reputation gear in this build and some of it has a lead time, meaning that you can't acquire it instantly. The mission gear can be acquired at your discretion, but reputation, doffing, and R&D take some grind. Here's what I would do daily/every couple of days:
Queue for "Defense of Starbase One (Advanced)" frequently. It's fairly popular and low difficulty. This build uses a lot of gear from the Discovery Reputation and there's a good chance your ground build will too, plus you need to feed those reputation daily projects.
Similarly, visit the Badlands and Undine Battlezones and secure at least one point every couple of days to feed the Terran and 8472 reputation. My suggestion would be to alternate them and try and finish the battlezone at least once per week. While at the Undine battlezone start point, pick up as many Engineering duty officer (doffing) missions as possible to feed that commendation.
Camp out at the B'Tran Cluster for the doffing chain that can award Very Rare Technicians upon critical success of the repeating final assignment.
Do at least 1 random Advanced TFO to fill your other reputations, especially Romulan and Gamma. Considering doing "Swarm" on Advanced at least once per week to pick up some of the Germanium fragments.
Ensure you're doing at least 2 daily R&D projects each for Engineering and Beams R&D.
You'll need to do Tour the Galaxy probably around 10-15 times to acquire the needed EC, or else sell a decent amount of loot. A moderately-geared ship can land about 500K from a lousy Tour the Galaxy run. Endeavors can help too. I average about 300K EC per day from Endeavors.
Put your specialization points into Strategist, then Intel, and then Command specialization.
Change History
2024: Posted build
Build Focus
This build combines energy DPS with survivability. There are some small contributions from projectiles but those are tertiary. It's also designed to make this ship far more spry than its base configuration.
Skill Unlocks
All weapon-centric builds benefit from the tactical ultimate, as weapon haste and bonus weapon damage from the Focused Frenzy active are appreciable when used on big targets. Applying the bonus to your team is also appreciated. I do not find the cooldown boost from Frenzied Reactions to be needed on a build with a good cooldown scheme.
Engineering skills
Since I use this skill tree for both tanks and offtanks, taking two points in Hull Restoration/Hull Capacity helps survivability. Increased Hull Capacity boosts Tyler's Duality as well
I always take a single point in Hull Plating, but other resistance skills and Damage Control are not worth it. Likewise, 2 points in Impulse Expertise is an appreciable boost to maneuverability. Warp Core Potential and especially Warp Core Efficiency help boost power to subsystems. Efficiency is particularly good at adding power to subsystems I am not allocating much power to.
Improved EPS Power Transfer is essential for recovering power while firing energy weapons.
Science skills
Single points in Shield Restoration/Shield Capacity are low opportunity cost for relatively high survivability gains. Since I need skill points elsewhere, only 1 here for those.
A single point in Shield Regeneration has surprisingly large impact on shield regeneration based on recent research by Jay
Since this build uses Quantum Phase torpedoes which scale with Drain Expertise, I take both points in DrainX. A single point in Control Expertise powers the Fragment of AI Trait on builds that use it on this toon. (Not this one due to budgetary reasons)
All energy builds should take maximum points in Long Range Targeting Sensors.
The rest of the science skills are of little value on this build and are completely skippable.
Tactical skills
Energy Weapon Training, Hull Penetration, Shield Penetration, Weapon Specialization, and Weapon Amplification are all worthwhile skills to take 3 points in as they boost energy weapon damage directly. Since I do have a torpedo and it does decent damage, 2 points in Projectile Weapon Training is a good choice.
I like taking 2 points apiece in accuracy and defense. Defense is a small contribution to avoiding incoming damage but also helps reduce enemy crits when you're not moving and accuracy is just good all around, if not a stat that you'll need tons of.
Coordination Protocols, Defense Coordination and Offensive Coordination are good team boosts so I always take those. They also benefit hangar pets on builds that have those. Improved Tactical Readiness is essential for reducing tactical cooldowns along with the rest of the cooldown scheme.
There are two crucial unlocks: battery expertise (improves duration of consumable batteries) and threat control which either increases or decreases threat based on threatening stance.
This ship is a classic energy + 1 torpedo set up. It has absolutely zero investment into exotic damage, so I am not skilled at all into those.
Intel/Strategist is the best-in-slot choice for non-tank Energy builds. Intel provides substantial damage through flanking and Intel Fleet. Strategist likewise adds damage through Logistical Support, Maneuver Warfare, and Show of Force, as well as some damage reduction through Layered Defenses.
Starship Weapons
Torpedoes: The torpedo is not just here for immersion. It hits very hard while not taking weapon power away from a very power-hungry build. 8 energy weapons on this budget on a tactical captain will be difficult to maintain power levels while using Beam Overload.
Mixing in DBBs and Cannons: Despite "don't mix weapons" being conventional wisdom for good reason, I've chosen to mix in the Wide-Angle DBB and two turrets. The reason why is that this build lacks the power management resources to effectively use eight beams, so a torpedo is needed. Since the tactical seating is so limited anyway, we'd rather set up the build to fly nose-on than try and alternate between broadsiding and nose-on. On a 4/4 ship using beams, that means you're running 2 turrets in the back. It's not ideal, but as with many things involved in building a 4/4 T5 ship on a very thin budget, there are compromises that have to be made.
Mods - these don't really matter at this point and you shouldn't spend dilithium re-engineering yet so they are not listed. Mods are default for all weapons. Save it for after Mk XV.
Leveling - The Terran Beam is from Tier 6 of the Terran Reputation and the Wide Angle Heavy Dual Beam Bank is from T5 Discovery. While you're leveling those reputations, Dual Beam Banks from Sunrise at Mk XII Very Rare are serviceable substitutes. The Gamma weapons likewise are from Tier 6 Gamma reputation. The Trilithium turret can replace that in the interim. You can get a Very Rare Phaser Turret Mk XII from Sunrise also to fill in for the Heavy Bio-Molecular Turret until that reputation completes.
Firing Order
The WA DBB also has a stacking damage buff over time the longer it is in combat, hence it's first.
The torpedo needs to be early in the cycle to stack Super Charged Weapons / proc ETM. Plus its proc does shield damage, so hitting earlier in the cycle is better.
The Quantum Phase beam is next by default
The Terran beam is last because it scales with the target's missing health and the target that I've already hit with the other weapons should be lower health. Maybe that logic is flawed, but that's why I ordered them I way I did.
Starship Equipment
Drive Train: We're starting off cheaply, with the Bajor 2-piece providing some Cat1 Phaser Damage as well as a hefty power boost from the Bajor Core and the Discovery 2-piece providing some regeneration. The Bajor Core's passive will teach you to fly better since its power drain benefit only occurs within 2 km of targets, also benefitting the Point Blank Shot trait and general energy DPS. If you see swirls coming off the enemy ships to yours, you are close enough. If you're not, get closer.
The Discovery 3-piece does not perform well on a ship such a low amount of hull hit points and will unnecessarily draw threat. There are better options but they generally involve fleet gear.
If you have access to fleet gear, the colony deflector used on builds like our Arbiter is a good replacement and an Elite Fleet Plasma-Integrated Warp Core from the Fleet Spire are better choices; this will necessitate buying the Stamets-Tilly Engines to keep that 2-piece, or you can switch to Prevailing Regalia Fortified Impulse Engines (aka Competitive Engines) for more speed. Another choice would be Romulan Prototype Combat Impulse Engines for the small amount of weapon critical severity.
Leveling: While leveling Discovery reputation, I would slot the Preeminent Warp Core from the "Melting Pot" mission and Regenerative Crystal Shield from "Para Pacem." Bajor Defense 4-piece is also an option, but that is a lot of runs of that mission.
Starship Consoles
Set Bonuses
Alternate energy types: Jay has a similar build mostly built around cannons using Disruptor on the Vorcha. The other energy types are not as well supported via mission rewards and reputation so we don't recommend them for starters. While any energy type can be made to be very effective, it's more expensive to do so. In particular, Antiproton and Plasma shine best with Lobi set bonuses, and Tetryon is somewhat lackluster in general.
Polaron could be made to work:
Replace QP torp, Omni, and Phaser Relay with Morphogenic 3-piece set ("Home").
Advanced Inhibiting Turret and crafted Omni switches to Polaron
Replace 8472 turret with Chronometric Turret ("Time and Tide")
Replace the Bajor 2-piece with the Jem'Hadar Deflector and Engines, taking the Discovery core instead since the Jem'Hadar set has no core ("Operation Gamma")
Replace Counter Command Relay with Chronometric Capacitor ("Time and Tide")
Replace Reinforced Armaments with Bellum EPS Flow Regulator (Discovery Reputation Store)
Replace Quantum Phase Converter Piezo-Electric Focuser (Lukari Reputation)
Remaining Quantum Phase and Terran weapons shift to Lukari Adv. Piezo-Polaron Beam, Chronometric Polaron Beam Array, and Polaron Dual Beam Bank ("The Search")
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
If you'd like to amp up this build some in terms of gear, picking up either Vulnerability Locator [Phaser] or Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold [Phaser] consoles and replacing the Phaser Relay is an obvious win (shifting other universal consoles around to occupy that slot if using Isomag). I would also replace the Zero Point Energy Conduit with a second one if you can manage it.
Upgrading weapons to Mk XV is also going to be significantly beneficial to DPS output. Gilding is not essential at this point but for some weapons like the Terran beam that will be on an endgame build, not a bad idea if you have the resources.
General upgrade priority: Weapon mark > Console mark > Engine/Shield mark > Weapon Rarity > Console Rarity > Everything else
Significant improvements to consoles likely come with C-store purchases and flying a T6 ship that offers more consoles, so we'll save that for the Economy tier version of this build.
Bridge Officers
Meta Notes
For this budget, you're unlikely to get a better boff layout. Directed Energy Modulation is not great but there's little better for a second LtCmdr Engineering seat.
Personal Traits
These are the best traits at this price point. The first two Lockbox traits to prioritize would be Intelligence Agent Attache and A Good Day to Die (the latter only for Tactical captains). You will need to focus on Beams R&D and Engineering R&D for two of them and it takes a while, so get started!
Note that we don't slot Operative because your boffs provide a non-stacking copy of it already.
Starship Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
The first C-store trait to pick up for any energy build is Emergency Weapon Cycle from the Arbiter/Morrigu/Kurak. Players with larger budgets will want to consider the Legendary Battlecruiser bundle which contains several other valuable traits and consoles for energy builds, as well as superior energy DPS platforms.
Onboard Dilithium Recrystallizer is why we're running Engine Batteries and high engine power, and is also fed by A2B, the Warp Core Engineer doff, and the Bajor Core. You should be able to keep the buff active fairly often.
Reputation Traits
Active Reputation
Duty Officers
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
Doffs tend to be a pretty high expense on a premium build, so while crit-boosting Energy Weapons Officers are good, they don't drastically change the performance of the build compared to their expense. Acquiring a Systems Engineer that lowers weapon power cost on use of Directed Energy Modulation, sometimes called Marion, would be more impactful.
This ship manages cooldowns via A2B. It's fallen out of vogue on higher end builds due to needing more build space and precious aux power, but it's cheap/free to set up with a little grinding and effective, especially on a ship with so much engineering seating.
Ship Stats
With as many abilities and synergizing concepts as this ship employs, an efficient control scheme is essential. There are many ways to set up such a ship, but I kept this one very simple for new players: 1 spambar.
Spambar: (Spacebar): Tractor Beam Repulsors is spammed to feed Pilfered Power. Vulnerability Assessment Sweep, Torpedo Spread, Directed Energy Modulation, Brace for Impact (to feed Improved Unconventional Tactics), Beam Overload, A2B, Attack Pattern Alpha, Engine Batteries, Energy Amplifiers, Go Down Fighting, Emergency Power to Engines, Emergency Power to Weapons, A2B, and Cannon: Scatter Volley.
I start with basic combos for the first 3 cubes. In an ISE run, I will use all of my longer cooldown buffs in the first fight, but not ISA. Trigger Evasive Maneuvers to fly over to the left transformer and fire off all major abilities while at 1/4 impulse or stopped within 2 km of the transformer. Target the nearest generators first, then switch to the Assimilator and transformer. The transformer should be hit with Focused Frenzy and Fire On My Mark. I rotate to face inward toward the gate. When the transformer is low health, fly past the ball of spheres. Once they start thinning out, Evasive Maneuvers again (reset due to Emergency Power to Engines) and head to the right side. Rinse and repeat, then Evasive Maneuvers to fly between the Tactical Cube and Gateway. Some clever angling will keep the torpedo/DBB firing as well as the aft beams. Make sure to flank the Tactical Cube. Frenzy and Fire On My Mark should be available here again. Lastly, don't forget to summon your Fleet Support, Delta Alliance Beacon/Nimbus Pirates/Beacon of Kahless, etc. In an average ISE run, I can get two off: one at left transformer and one at the end.
The importance of Crit and Flanking cannot be oversold. I saw significant increases in DPS from boosting Crit in doffs and traits. There are players with better gear and piloting skills than I who've achieved much, much higher percentages, but I will say broadly that when in doubt, add crit. Since flanking includes extra crit chance/severity with Intel, you can't go wrong with flanking either! Look for the downward pointing arrow on your target.
Parse Breakdown
Numbers from record ISE:
Wide Angle Dual Beam Bank: 18.8K
Quantum Phase Torpedo: 18.6K total including spread I, Quantum Phase Transfer and some High Yields from someone else's Concentrate Firepower
Terran Beam: 18.6K
Fleet Support: 17.7K
Crafted Omni: 12.4K
Bio-Molecular Turret: 11.7K
Inhibiting Phaser Turret: 11.4K
Quantum Phase Array: 10.2K
Trilithium Omni: 9.9K
Concentrate Firepower III: 3.7K (borrowed from another player)
Tractor Beam Repulsor: 3.1K
Digital Compilation: 2K
Quantum Destabilizing Beam: 1K
Anti-time Entanglement Singularity: 0.6K
Distributed Targeting: 0.2K (borrowed from another player)
Weapon crits were around 45% on average; flank rate between 30 and 40% averaged across weapons. The team composition for this run was this ship, 2 supports, a support tank, and a high-end CSV build.
This build is pretty basic, but could also be applied to the Vor'Cha Retrofit at T5 from the KDF as well as the APU Cruiser and Mirror Sovereign. The Hirogen Hunter Escort is a popular cheap T5 ship from the Exchange and could run this build, but you'll drop Reverse Shield Polarity and Directed Energy Modulation to pick up the maximum ranks of Cannon Scatter Volley and Beam Overload along with Attack Pattern Beta. I would take Science Team in the Ensign Universal seat and drop the Bio-Molecular Turret since it is a 4/3.