U.S.S. Isle of Aval
Legendary Inquiry Battlecruiser
Released: 2025 - 1
Build Overview and Focus
While I would normally start with some preamble about the ship and it's selection and what makes it unique, its basically the same as the other inquiry. either platform is the 'correct' choice, and if you have one you basically have the other. The Legendary Inquiry / Legendary Avenger Miracle Worker Battlecruiser offers some unique unlocks, but once you have them you can feel free to use it on either platform should you have them.
Obviously, being a legendary ship, this one is avalible to all characters on an entire account. This makes it a better, cheaper, option for all people. However since I have both, lets talk about the two.
While there are some minor substats - Legendary has higher base hull and turn, and slightly more power - the real big change is the boff layout. It's my opinion in that this is where the platforms differ. With the forced intel being on the Lt.C Science seat on the Legendary version, this means that the amount of controls you can put on the ship are inherently lower while keeping an effective build. This means that if you wanted to do an unconventional systems console cooldown build, you need to really choose which tactical powers you take.
This isn't saying it can't be done, it just feels uncomfortable in comparison to the Inquiry's layout options. As a really quick aside, I'll put a version of the Uncon Layout I would use in the Bridge officer portion, however it leaves out the one nitpick I have with this build and that's is the single target punch. By having more tactical powers, I can offset the CSV AOE nature with a high yield torp and a beam overload.
Turrets, Accuracy, and You
Something that has come up very recently, and at the end of our content production pipeline, is how turrets and accuracy under CSV tend to behave now. You can read the full thread here, or our findings as a comment here. While we don't have the capacity to update every CSV build to account for this, we do plan on it, and many of my builds are due for revamping anyway.
The jist is that turrets under CSV disproportionally apply the accuracy penalty. The good news is that this build carry's enough innate accuracy to completely overcome the accuracy loss, meaning that even though this uses a turret...it kind of doesn't matter? Between the inherent 62 resting accuracy, +15 from Duelist Fervor, and +75 from Terran Goodbye, this is more than enough to offset a potential 3x misappropriated -40 accuracy penalty, which I haven't seen since becoming aware of this problem.
Basically, so long as you don't replace the Omnis with turrets, you'll be fine.
This is a premium build, with the highest available budgets and resources utilized in its creation. See the build costs page for more detail.
Isle of Aval, the anglicized name for Île Aval, the French Island. In legends this is commonly called Avalon, usually considered the Grave of King Arthur.
Meta Analysis
{ OSCR } Infected Space (Elite) - DPS / DMG [01:25]: `@alcaatraz` 1,455,439 / 121.4 M
Budget Analysis
Elite Captain/T6X upgrade, all fleet unlocks
T6 C-store ships
Any ship which grants Withering Barrage
Tactical Flagships (Endeavour / Martok / Khopesh) OR Verity - From 10th Anniversary Bundle OR Legendary Scimitar or Legendary Bortasqu
14th Anniversary Bundle - Liberated Borg Nanoprobes (Unneeded)
Delta Rising: Operations Pack (DOff pack only)
Lockbox Items
Ship - Mirror Warship
Ship - Deimos Pilot Destroyer
Ship - Gorn Hunter Pilot Raider
Weapons - Viridian Plasma Weapons
6x Lockbox Personal Traits
Event consoles and Traits
Reputation + Fleet Gear; All Mk XV Epic, All T6 Reputations
Romulan Reputation Items
Terran Reputation Items
Iconian Reputation Items
Lukari Reputation Items
Dranuur Colony Items
Fleet Spire Items
Lobi Items
Change History
2024 - 12
Added Build
Build Breakdown
Like the Lexington this is a high energy weapon build. No hangar, not much support, a decent amount of durability just in the fact that this is a battlecruiser, and an attempt to make this lumbering boat get where I want it too when I want it too gives this break down.
I forgot to swap back to strategist for the record run, so in theory theres some DPS left on the table but 12k from entropic isn't too bad from a scatter volley build.
Skill Unlocks
Jayiie's Skill tree has been optimized to be used on as many build types as possible. As such there are some questions that naturally arise when talking about it. I will try to capture these discussions as succinctly as possible here.
Tactical ultimate
The Tactical Ultimate is still taken. Because of the skill investment for energy weapons in the skill tree, this only takes a small amount of investment. Even with the intent of going full min-max, if everyone takes the coordination protocols this is comparable to getting a Mk12 damage console which effects everything, as well as a hull plating node. These are worthwhile investements, and given how flexible Jayiies skill tree is designed to be very good at covering multiple roles such as support, tanks, and energy kinetic and exotic dps builds.
Hull Restoration vs Hull Capacity
This is very simple, while also not. Given the choice between a Improved Hull Capacity (+25.5%) and Hull restoration (+25%) against Advanced Hull capacity (+30%), I personally prefer to take the former, splitting the point difference. Since my character is an engineer, this 25% Hull restoration actually has some very useful applications through Miraculous repairs.
As well by taking some extra points into engineering, this has allowed me to take the 10th Engineering Unlock skill which adds +10 Hull Capacity, which is comparable to the +15 taken from the last point of Hull restoration. Due to how the skill works this is a +3.3% Max Hull vs 4.95% Max Hull buff respectively.
EPG vs Control Amplification, DrainX and CtrlX
This time around I've opted to put more points into CtrlX and EPG while taking Control Amplification, and instead dropping points from DrainX. If this wasn't on an engineering captain I wouldn't consider this a loss. However both Nadion Inversion and Intrusive Energy Redirection both scale with DrainX and are innate captain abilities, thus wanting for the skill.
Aux Power
Optimizing to hit 130 Aux power has been challenging. To do this I required Defensive Subsystem turning for the +4.8 Power to Aux. Combining this with the passive on most science ships as well as the Neutronic Eddies has allowed 130 to be hit passively. This has then allowed me to drop EPS Manifold Efficiency freeing up a 10th starship trait. On other builds this has the effect of allowing more aux power for more damage / better scaling on various powers.
Shield Regeneration
This is still a tank first skill tree. Shield regeneration is statically anomaly and adds a huge amount to shield regen in just the first point (more Information on shields can be found here). As such, I have taken the single point. with the most recent tree revision I've opted to spec out of DrainX and Drain Infection for that last point in EPG. Should you want to not take shield regeneration I would suggest the next DrainX point.
Starship Weapons
Virdian Plasma is my preferance for plasma types, just due to the proc. However, this is a proc that has limitations. It applies to only the Virdian Plasma weapons. To help aid it, a Virdian Omni could be used, or you can move to another plasma type entirely. Romulan plasma for example combines the standard Disruptor proc and plasma proc. Corrosive Plasma generates both a dot and a ramping -DRR to target.
Starship Equipment
The new advanced batteries can be crafted at rank 10 and require elite only items, however if you do the grind by the time you get the 7 isomags crafted you should have a few hundred components to make batteries.
Starship Consoles
Set Bonuses
Budget Tweaks:
With the swap to Advanced Engineering - Isomagnetic Plasma Distribution Manifold, I've effectively gained 7 tactical slots on this ship. These are also "free" and pushes out a universal. As such the build has actually decreased in price, but not much. If you consider the salvage, dil, and time (and the builds needed) to get 35 Isomag components (requiring at minimum 70 elite queues at a 50% yield), these aren't nothing...but you can get them right off the exchange so "free".
Universal Consoles
I don't claim this build is cheap, but really only 2/3 of the universals are now up for hard to acquire:
Dynamic Power Redistributor Module - not really needed, but the dual aspect of heals and damage is very useful. A standard Ordnance Accelerator should be fine if you don't care about the durability.
Immolating Phaser Lance - Driving force of Universal Designs on this ship, this is now able to be purchased from the C-store means it at least is possible to get this for more people...still not cheap
D.O.M.I.N.O - Epic Phoenix tokens are making they're way into more and more bundles which means these are easier to pickup now.
Bridge Officers
Notes: The inclusion of Beam overload and Torpedo High Yield are distinctly made to aid single target damage. These can be adjusted to the AOE version should you prefer. Ultimately those choices are a personal one.
Also as promised, here's it the Uncon layout should you choose to do so. However, this will require a readjustment of consoles to take advantage of the lower cooldown. potential; this is left as an exercise to the reader.
Personal Traits
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
Being as I've built this on an engineering captain, the most obvious build focused tweak would be to do this on a tactical captain for access to the various captain powers. Doing such a replacement would warrant the use of A Good Day to Die.
Budget Tweaks:
For budget players who want to save some EC, there's a few standard traits that could be used:
Bulkhead Technician - Innate trait - this provides +10% Maximum Hull capacity and can be used as a stand in for durability consoles
EPS Manifold Efficiency - Engineering Captain innate trait - this provides +10 all subsystem power for 30s when using EPtX or batteries. A useful filler.
Point Blank Shot - Episode Reward from House Pegh - scaling damage based on distance to target from 2km to 6km.
Operative - Innate Trait - +1% CrtH +2% CrtD, this isn't spectacular but if you lack any offensive traits you can use it.
After this there isn't much available that super noteworthy so make substations based on what you need.
Starship Traits
Budget Tweaks:
Offensive Traits:
Improved Critical Systems - Temporal Agent Recruit Reward, grants CrtX on use of EptX abilities.
Unconventional Tactics - Strategist Specialization, grants damage on using
Predictive Algorithms - Intelligence Specialization Rewards, very minor Accuracy boost when using weapon enhancement abilities.
Getting into C-store accessible traits:
Promise of Ferocity - Alliance Pilot escorts, +4% bonus weapon damage when using a tactical or pilot bridge officer power (max 5 stacks, one stack every 4s)
Entwined Tactical Matrices - This can replace Withering Barrage but must be done with an accompanying torpedo power and weapon.
Reputation Traits
Active Reputation
Duty Officers
Meta-Focused Tweaks:
Since this is a ship that has both intel and miracle worker powers, the two meta driven choices to put on this ship would be the two Strength Through Unity liberated Borg duty officers 24 of 47 and 27 of 47. However, these are ridiculously expansive at upwards of 1 billion EC. This is in my opinion too much for a small improvement. CrtH / CrtD energy weapon officers are good enough for me.
I do have a 31 of 47 here. another EWO or PWO for Critical chance / damage will be sufficient as a replacement. I put this on here as a test for CPF and I can't really say it wasn't a loss but it also doesn't seem to be too large of an increase, it's also likely it didn't proc very much, but was used in the record run so I have it in here. My 22 of 47 (Eng=15% CrtD, Int=-3DRR) would most likely be a better option.
Budget Tweaks:
Agent Nerul unfortunately has no equivalents. As such and durability driven duty officer would be best to put here. Dal R'el is a close equivalent, but this is a chance at an effect rather than guaranteed like Nerul. Alternatively a 3rd energy weapon officer for CrtH or CrtD of your choice.
Ship Stats
As an player who's been doing this for some time, I have very few keybinds as I use most of my powers manually. As such I have only 1 "spam" button, which consists of the offensive rotation.
Emergency Power to Weapons - Initial power buff and triggers Emergency Weapons Cycle
Mixed Armament Synergy - prebuff for cannons; this has a delayed in activation similar to tactical team so putting it first and separating it from other things helps keep it from misfiring.
Beam Overload - prebuff before firing
Narrow Sensor Bands - prebuff for cannons
Attack Pattern Beta - prebuff before firing
Torpedo High Yield - prebuff before firing
Kemocite Laced Weapons - prebuff before firing
Cannon Scatter Volley - prebuff for cannons, upgrades cannons
Photonic Officer - begins CDR rotation. Since this is not an exotic build using Improved photonic officer, this is fine at the end
Emergency Power to Engines - will got on a 15s cooldown, will be activated at the end of the next 15s cycle
Override Subsystem Safeties is now on a manual toggle for this built. Since this starts ticking down as soon as possible you as much maximum power increase for as long as possible so this is done when you begin firing (entering a combat engagement)
Parse Breakdown
ISE Record Damage Breakdown
216.7k DPS - Complex Plasma Fires
149.4k DPS - Wide Arc Dual Heavy Viridian Plasma Cannons - Scatter Volley II
129.3k DPS - Advanced Piezo-Plasma Dual Cannons - Scatter Volley II
124.4k DPS - Gorn Plasma Quad Cannons - Scatter Volley II
108.8k DPS - Dual Viridian Plasma Cannons - Scatter Volley II
84.6k DPS - Altamid Plasma Array
77.5k DPS - Viridian Plasma Turret - Scatter Volley II
70.8k DPS - Altamid Plasma Beam Array - Fire at Will I
41.9k DPS - Immolating Phaser Lance
35.7k DPS - Plasma Torpedo - Spread I
30.7k DPS - Plasma Torpedo - Salvo I
28.3k DPS - Wide Arc Dual Heavy Viridian Plasma Cannons - Scatter Volley III
28.3k DPS - Digitizer Probe – Digital Compilation Field
26.5k DPS - Advanced Piezo-Plasma Dual Cannons
24.5k DPS - Advanced Piezo-Plasma Dual Cannons - Scatter Volley III
23.9k DPS - Gorn Plasma Quad Cannons - Scatter Volley III
23.5k DPS - Wide Arc Dual Heavy Viridian Plasma Cannons
23.2k DPS - Altamid Plasma Beam Array - Fire at Will II
22.9k DPS - Viridian Plasma Turret - Scatter Volley III
20.9k DPS - Plasma Saturation Bombardment
20.8k DPS - Plasma Torpedo
19.5k DPS - Dual Viridian Plasma Cannons - Scatter Volley III
19.2k DPS - Dual Viridian Plasma Cannons
18.7k DPS - Gorn Plasma Quad Cannons
16.5k DPS - Borg Cube
15.9k DPS - Refracting Tetryon Cascade (Rank 2)
10.1k DPS - Gateway
9k DPS - Viridian Plasma Turret
7.4k DPS - Fek'ihri Torment
6.6k DPS - Nimbus Pirate Distress Call
6.1k DPS - Kemocite-Laced Weaponry II
4k DPS - Nanite Probe – Refracting Tetryon Cascade (Rank 2)
3.1k DPS - Distributed Targeting I - Plasma
1.9k DPS - Distributed Targeting II - Plasma
1.8k DPS - Nanite Transformer
1.7k DPS - Borg Cube – Concentrate Firepower III
0.5k DPS - Counter-Offensive
0.3k DPS - Distributed Targeting I - Kinetic
0.2k DPS - Nanite Probe – Concentrate Firepower III
0.2k DPS - Altamid Drone Swarmer
0.2k DPS - Sphere – Distributed Targeting II - Plasma
0.1k DPS - Distributed Targeting II - Kinetic
This is not a special build, however being an inquiry it has the easiest time porting too:
Inquiry Battlecruiser - This of course beign the Legendary Inquiry (its a legendary avenger but lets not kid ourselves here)
Vaadwaur Miracle Worker Juggernaut - With isomags I would consider the inquiry to now perform above the Vaadwaur Juggernaut, since the Inquiry can fit more "engineering tactical" consoles.
Legendary D7 Intel Battlecruiser - Intelligence primary ship, but carries Lt.C MW matched with its commander intel seating; it's probably better for SS builds but could fit this if you really tried.
Beyond this, all this build needs is 5/3 with CSV and Dual cannon access. Theres nothing really special or weird, just a solid platform with good stat gear.